Rising Force Online

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DarkAstraea Posted: 01-20-2008 1:23 AM | Locked

So...started playing this game last month then stopped then started because my cousins were playing it. And now we have a group of us who are playing it. Some you know and some you don't.

Last Update: February 1st
1. Rampage
2. Roland (Old School GS Member)
3. Knives (Old Old 1.6 Member) He just died
4. Troop (Apparently when he's bored..)
5. Typhoon Hog (Although he is falling behind b/c he's "busy"
6. Me (of course)
7. Doded (He was playing but now he says he's too busy and doesnt have enough time)
8. Plus my 2 cousins
9. Grathorius
10. {MC}Dead
11. {MC}Amon
12. Daboobah (The damn frenchman who still doesnt have a mic)
13. Rampage's Roommate
14. Swiss

Decent game, easy leveling took Rampage 3 days to get to level 30 when it took me a week in school days to reach so at least a 1 to 2 hours a day and you'll be fine. Battle dungeons for party groups of 8 which allow you to get some of the stronger weapons and armors there are. The race we are is a race of all robots, we are probably the most organized and strongest of the other races combined. Our leader (DIGGL) is the strongest in the game, level 50 and almost 51 not even a party of 20 can take him down (hopefully lol) he has the most contribution points than the whole Accretia race combined so you will be in good hands when in chip wars.

Details: Updated February 1st
Race: Accretia
Server: Solus
Classes: (Underlined is Primary)
Me - Ranger + Specialist
Troop - Ranger + Warrior
Rampage - Warrior
MCMayhem - Ranger
Grathorius - Ranger
Cousin 1 - Ranger
Cousin 2 - Specialist
Typhoon - Ranger
Amon - Unknown
Daboobah - Warrior
Roland - Unknown
Ramp's Roomy - Unknown
Swiss - Specialist

Special Features: (Accretia - Because we are this race)
Chip Wars - Large Scale Battles between the three races
Customizing - Able to add on different elements to your weapons and also ammo
Launcher Ability - Large Scale Aoe with extremely large damage
PVP System - All races can invade each other's neutral bases (Only problem with being this race is that both of the other races team up to raid our base)
Nukes =D - a huge explosion used in chip wars to help defend (even though it costs 35 mill it packs quite a punch whoever is in the blast radius
Jet Packs - cool feature which allows you to levetate and move faster
Macros - Auto pot, Auto action, and Auto chat macros
Mining feature - allows you to help customize even more
Ability PTs - Ability Point Totals, which allows you to customize yourself even more by allowing you to use various weapons, armors, and shields. Example: As you increase your Ranged PT you will be able to use better ranged weapons and ranged armors, as you increase your Launcher PT you will be able to use better launcher/grenade launcher weapons and armors, as you increase your Shield PT, better shields etc etc. All the classes for Accretia have this, it just depends on how you use it. I am a Ranger Class and i can use swords, shields, launchers, and rifles.
And many more features, you'll just have to figure it out =D So now i will put up pictures of me in a chip war(s) even though i'm not high enough level to take down the other races that are rampaging through i can still support with dps.

New - Image Links Added and Resized


Picture 1 + 2 : We are preparing for the chip war

Picture 3 + 4 : We begin to charge in to take down the opposing forces' control center

Picture 5 + 6: The Battle begins

Picture 7 + 8: We set up our siege line (our race's launcher ability)

Picture 10: And we take their control center down and win the chip war =D

So yeah...thats about it hope some of you can join us so we can go pit boss fighting teehee. So to set up, you have to go register and download the client.

Good Luck and See you guys in the Chip Wars.

Unlike in sports, the game of war has no set time limit and no points are awarded, so how do you determine the winners and the losers? When all your enemies are destroyed? 多分そして。
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New images of me, my guild, and Rampage =D
Images resized and linked yay

My Guild Circle =D

My and I Guild taking out a Pitboss 

Me and Rampage

Me and my new armor with siege mode

Me and Rampage again in a transport ship

And thats that =D join us fools!! except u call of duty 4 ppl...hmm...maybe if i join u i can scare you into playing this lol....

Unlike in sports, the game of war has no set time limit and no points are awarded, so how do you determine the winners and the losers? When all your enemies are destroyed? 多分そして。
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Yay! More Images!! Plus more people!!

Me and my new armor woot woot

Some nice poses of me with my new armor and the HSK (Holy Stone Keeper)

The new merged guild that both me and troop are in in a konga line (haha)

A recent event that had occurred during a Chip War...everyone had to take down the HSK

So during the chip war, the race was attacking the CCC (Cora Control Center) then during the last 5% the Bellato (midgits) come in with their mechs and start attacking it to KS it from us. Unfortunately they did and because of that we had to kill the HSK so that they wouldnt be able to mine in the core with protection. Then after we took down the HSK, we raided the whole Bellato region, the whole race did. It was a wonderful night and it should teach those midgits a lesson not to ks from the robits!!

With that said...JOIN US FOOLS!!! Except Para...you can go finish making Starwars_Trench_CoD_IV (teehee)

Unlike in sports, the game of war has no set time limit and no points are awarded, so how do you determine the winners and the losers? When all your enemies are destroyed? 多分そして。
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Woot! Finally level 39 lol. Thing i did was get power leveled which is a bad thing because it doesnt level my PTs. PTs are very important for your damage and your hp. So anyway...PICTURES!!!

Me and my new 39 Ranger Armor (Which runs really fast lol)

I did have pics with me and troop in it but they disappeared on me =/ i'll have to get new ones

Unlike in sports, the game of war has no set time limit and no points are awarded, so how do you determine the winners and the losers? When all your enemies are destroyed? 多分そして。
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 Ok...since it seems that the free to play part of their main site is down I will have to give you guys a list of things to do....

1.0  Download the Game Client Here (Click Here)
    1.1 You could also google search the client download if you must
2.0  Register with CoG Here (Click Here)
3.0  Then get a free to play registration key here (Click Here)
4.0  Put your registration key in the proper area your CoG account
5.0  Install your client then run the exe
6.0  Let the launcher patch
    6.1 Turn off your sound if you get annoyed by that damned music
7.0  Then login with your CoG account (Case Sensitive)
    7.1 Mostly everything in the game is case sensitive
8.0  Hit setup on the bottom of the launcher to set your resolution and graphic settings etc etc.
9.0  Hit save then click on Solus and start playing

Skip the Tutorial

That should be simple enough...Currently we are in a big maintanance and update so don't worry if you can't connect right now. Any problems you can look it up on the RF Online Forums (Very Helpful at Times)

Here are related things to the game

Economic System - RF Online has a very unique economic system which helps stabalize the economy of all the 3 races so that no race is extremly powerful (Launching constant nukes and such) Here is a link on how it works (Click Here)

Ability PTs - Here is a quick note before you start the game...In your character menu, under the ability info tab you will see Melee, Range, Launcher, Shield, and Defense. Upgrade all your PTs, they will be very useful when doing Player vs Player, Chip Wars, and Pit Bosses. For one thing, if you are a warrior and just upgrade your melee, you will only be able to use melee armor (which is good) but, you move slower than the average person so that is why you upgrade your Range so you can wear ranger armor (which increases your running speed) Same thing for shield, you can use it to block many attacks made against you by weaker levels if the shield PT is high enough. Also...very important...DONT GET POWER LEVELED TOO MUCH or you will make your PTs very terrible which is bad...they help for damage and attack rate it is a working anti-power leveling system.

So i think that is it....

Unlike in sports, the game of war has no set time limit and no points are awarded, so how do you determine the winners and the losers? When all your enemies are destroyed? 多分そして。
  • | Post Points: 5
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Points 8,458

 Just to keep myself organized, there is a new section in the mmorpg for RF Online. Since there are no post notifications on those i will update the section then post here. Here is the link if u want to look at it now (Click Here)

Unlike in sports, the game of war has no set time limit and no points are awarded, so how do you determine the winners and the losers? When all your enemies are destroyed? 多分そして。
  • | Post Points: 23

Who uses post notifications anymore? I just use this: Forums Posts Not Read

Actually I still get the notifications too, but I really just use the link.

Remember... Where ever you go, there you are...

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